Thursday, September 10, 2009

Singapore sports cannot sell.

It is really sad that in the eyes of the corporate people here in Singapore the F1 brand is bigger than the Nation’s Stadium, Aquatic Center and Indoor Stadium combined. They (the corporate people) rush to associate themselves with the F1 name but shy away from contributing to the success of the Kallang Sports Hub.

Why else is it than so difficult for the consortium to secure the financing (it has been delayed for 3 years mind you) while it take just a matter of months to secure the building of the Changi Motorsports Hub.

The Singapore Sports Council (SSC) has done a good job of maximising the interest in the F1 night race. So congratulations to SSC. But what are you (SSC) doing about getting the Kallang Sports Hub up and running. You keep talking about a Team Singapore but you are not doing anything about building the infastructure for Team Singapore to call home.

The Kallang Hub is home to the sports Singaporean do - football, athelete, rugby, swimming, waterpolo, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, canoeing, you name it. Our mainstream sports needs the National Stadium, Aquatic Center and Indoor Stadium to call home.

Ok, I must admit, a race track is a good thing. Finally a place for weekend local motor racing enthusiast to show case their talents. But what I am skeptical about is the genuine reason SSC is pushing to get it build. Come on, I mean, we have being asking for a permanent race track for ages – why only build it now and in such a hurry. The race track is not built because SSC suddenly has a heart for local racers. It is built so that millionare F1 drivers can make more millions in Singapore. Local racers will just be convenient source of income to pay for maintenance of the racetrack until Bernie Eccelstone’s circus returns the following year.

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